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Keyboard shortcuts to make your day easier



Many keyboard shortcuts can speed up a lot of what we do. I have attached a few below that you may wish to try? Try a new one each day? 


There are many more than this, which you can easily find by googling or just simply trying out using different programmes. Hope this helps some of you!


Windows key

Windows key + A


Windows key + E


Windows key + D


Windows key + I


Windows key + L


Windows key + M


Windows key + S


Windows key + left arrow


Windows key + right arrow


Windows key + up arrow


Windows key + down arrow




Ctrl + A


Ctrl + B


Ctrl + C


Ctrl + V


Ctrl + X


Ctrl + Z


Ctrl + Y


Ctrl + P


Ctrl + i

Open action centre


Open file explorer (your folders)


Display and hide desktop


Open settings


Lock computer


Minimize all windows


Open search


Snap app windows to left


Snap app windows to right


Maximise app windows


Minimize app windows




Select all


Make text bold














Italicize text



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