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Verbal feedback in class notebooks


Did you know you can leave verbal feedback on a pupils OneNote class notebook which stores on the pupils page ONLY and can be accessed multiple times?

In order to use this feature you need to be using OneNote class notebooks either through Teams or as a stand alone notebook.


1. On a pupils class notebook page click in the space where you wish to leave feedback. This is important as it allows you to leave directed comments exactly where you wish to on the page.






2. Once you have clicked where you wish to leave feedback click 'insert' and then 'Record audio'








3.  At the top of the screen 'audio' will appear which adds a timer to the recording. Your laptop has a built in speaker, so what you say gets recorded on the page.





4. This can also be done by logging in to your own devices at home and following the same steps. I personally use my ipad to leave feedback when not using my laptop.



Hope this is useful to some of you. 


audio 2.JPG
audio 1.JPG
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